Monday, November 19, 2007

Developing (and sticking to) a system

Trent at The Simple Dollar has a fantastic post today providing a visual tour of his organization system. I'm struggling myself with developing a system for managing my information and workflow, and Trent's post has given me lots of food for thought. He has a really slick mixture of paper and on-line information capture that I think I might be incorporating into my own system.

There must be something in the air, because Tim at Canadian Dream is also writing about developing a filing system for the paper in his life.

I think the most important part of setting up a system like this is having the ability to stick to it. Trent's system in particular hinges completely on how diligently he follows it. This is as true of a productivity or organizational system as it is of a budgeting or financial tracking system; if you don't keep things up-to-date, you really don't know where you stand, and the system is essentially broken, no matter how elegant or straightforward it may be. Lifehacker linked to an article yesterday on ways to fall off the Getting Things Done bandwagon. It's a humourous post, but there's a lot of truth there.

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